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Attacking Anxiety, Part 3 (Start)

Writer's picture: Jason WrightJason Wright

Anxiety is real. Let that sink again.

The reason we need to allow that to sink in, has everything to do with how you are going to deal with it. That's because if you cannot acknowledge that it is real and can be a problem for your life, you will have no ability to combat it.

In the last 2 blog posts, we looked at what anxiety is and what we need to know if we are going to confront it in our lives. You need to know that:

1) You're not crazy

The feelings that you are feeling and the pressure that seems to surround you are real. There is not enough imagination to wish it away.

2) You're not alone

When we have moments of anxiety and depression, it's easy to think that we are all alone in this fight. But the reality is that half of the people of the United States are also dealing with it. That means that either you are experiencing it, or someone close to you.

3) These moments and feelings will pass

They are not eternal meaning that anxiety is just a season at times in our lives. We should not make long term decisions based on short term problems. That doesn't mean we don't face them and look honestly at our lives, but that we do it with a view that longer than the momentary.

Anxiety is a fight for your mind. Whether or not you punch back is the choice you have to make. But fighting back is really about understanding what and who is on your side.

Romans 15:13 (ESV) May the {God of hope} fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.

I like those 3 words "God of hope". To me, it says that God is more than just a passive entity in our lives. He offers something to take us to the next level. God has the ability to fill your life with joy and peace, because of the HOPE we find in Him.

But just as there is a God of Hope, there is an enemy of your soul. The opposite of God is Satan, the devil, the evil one. I know it's not popular to talk about the devil, mainly because we have a distorted image of who he is. We imagine the devil as this guy with a red suit, horns and pointy tail. But the true image of the enemy of soul (the devil) is that of an angel of light.

He has no ability to create anything but chaos. He is called a liar, a thief and a murderer (John 10:10). His ability to affect your life is not through creating something new, but by taking what God intended to be a blessing, counterfeiting it, and twisting it to destroy you.

An example of that is found in FEAR. Healthy fear is a protective mechanism for your life. It keeps you alert to the dangers that can exist. But the enemy uses fear not to protect you, but to paralyze you. He wants to steal the blessings that lie on the other side of conquering fears. That's his way of doing things.

But when we find hope in Jesus, we also find joy and peace for our lives. It's because He lives in us, we can be over comers. (1 John 4:4, Romans 8:37) The God of Hope gives us everything that we need for life and to conquer the lies and attacks of the enemy.

Galatians 5:1 tells us that it was for freedom that Christ set us free. It's freedom from sin, but also freedom from the bondages of this life. But remember this statement, just because you have been set free, doesn't mean you know how to live free. Some freedoms will come easy, but others will be a fight to live in.

In this fight for freedom, you have some tools or weapons at your disposal. You can use these things to begin to find liberty in your mind and in your life. Now, no doubt, I am coming at this from a Christian perspective, but understand this, if you are dealing with a long term darkness, it can be spiritual, but it also can be physical. I encourage you to find help either way in your life for long term success. What I am sharing is a way to start the process, but it's not the final thing to do.

Worship is a tool to start using against anxiety

The first tool you have at your disposal is WORSHIP. It's hard to focus on two things at the same time. Matter of fact, it's near impossible. That's why anxiety demands your attention. If you are able to put your focus on something else, it diminishes its effect on your life.

When Christians think of worship, we see it as something that happens in the victory. But the bible also shows us that it something that brings victory in the waiting. The children of Israel went to conquer the city of Jericho, but its city was protected by walls. There was no way around or over them to conquer the enemy. They had all the natural weapons, but it would take a supernatural power to overcome the walls. So they obeyed God. The acknowledged that HE was the one that could win the fight.

Obeying God is tough when you are struggling, but there is no greater ally you have on your side. When we focus on Him, it takes our mind off of what the enemy is doing. \

Attacking Anxiety by Shawn Johnson

This series has been based off the book "Attacking Anxiety" by Shawn Johnson. The ideas that we are sharing are the ones that he used in his life to overcome the overwhelming feelings that attacked his mind. He says that he realized to beat anxiety, he would have to put his foot down and his hands up. That is a powerful image.

It is saying to the enemy that I will not run, but also that the fight is no longer about me. It's about the God of Hope going to war for me. We have a part to play in this fight, but the battle belongs to the Lord.

Worship is more than a song! Its a position of the heart. Its all about honoring the God of the song. It's not a style of music, it's the cry of our heart. Our worship has the ability to destroy every argument the enemy puts up against us.

Psalm 22:3, tells that God is enthroned in the praises of His people. He is Lord of any situation that He has been put over. When we worship Him, we place Him supremely above everything. He shows up and shows out. It has power to defeat anxiety because when God shows up, He brings everything opposite of fear. He brings peace, joy, rest, confidence, guidance, protection and power.

The second tool or weapon you have against anxiety is PRAYER. I know someone just said laughed. Why? Because you are praying and you don't feel like it working.

Real prayer is powerful and that's because it's raw. It's not pretty in the eyes of people. It can get a little ugly in our eyes because of the honesty that is conveyed. God is not afraid of your questions or even your moments of doubt. What He wants is for you to just come and talk.

Religious prayers lack power because God is anything but religion. He is about having a relationship with YOU! Prayer can be intimidating because we have this image of people with powerful voices booming out their prayer, and we're not that. Why would God listen to us?

He listens because He cares! He wants to hear you! He loves you! God does not have a holy bingo board that you have to say all the right things to be heard. He hears you. That does not mean that all prayers are created equal though.

Philippians 4:6-7 (ESV) do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

This scripture is about prayer when you feel defeated. It says don't let that overwhelm you, but bring it to God. Let your needs be known to Him...that's done through honesty. But what brings peace when we do that, is how we bring it...with THANKSGIVING. Its understanding the attitude of gratefulness.

It's hard to be anxious when you are grateful for the good things you have in your life. Make a list of those things to thank God for when you pray. It reinforces that He has not left you and that He already brought blessings to your life and can do it again.

The third weapon or tool that you have to start using is REMEMBERING. It's about remembering who God is, what He has already done in your life, and what the Bible promises He will do.

God gave Joshua a promise before He ever entered the promised land...

Joshua 1:9 (ESV) 9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

His promise was to be with Him. Just as He is with you!

The last weapon or tool that you need start using is an ARMY AROUND YOU! This army is not one that carries a physical weapon, but helps you to war against these powerful forces in your life.

Whether you realize it or not, you have some of these things already in place, but you have to use them. Your army will consist of family, friends, church, and sometimes it will need doctors and counselors. But you have to engage them in your fight.

Those closest to you cannot help if you don't reach out to them. But remember, Anxiety and depression works best in your life when you are isolated. So to defeat them requires it to be brought out into the light with those closest to you. They cannot be expected to just know what you need or what you are facing. You have to share it.

As you can see, you have some things at your disposal, will you use them. I challlenge you today to get into the Word and find the verses that build up your faith. Write them down. Keep them handy so when you are facing these anxious moments, they become part of your arsenal of remembering who God is and what He can do.

And if you need help, reach out. Find others that can help you bear the load.


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